The April Racket

NYJTL continues its Active Learning initiative for youth, providing daily in-home, get-out-of-your-seat learning!
In addition, the Cary Leeds Center provides LIVE sessions, workouts and tips to make sure that you stay healthy and return to tennis stronger & sharper!

Share the work of our dedicated teachers and coaches by visiting our social media pages, commenting, and liking their important work!

Turgor Pressure

Watch Mr. Sergio teach us about turgor pressure!  The water pressure inside plant cells is called turgor pressure, and it is maintained by a process called osmosis. Comment on the post if you learned something new!


Watch Ms. Giselle make an inworm move out of paper and a straw! Comment on the post if you have ever made a paper worm move!

Tennis Drills

Watch Coach Oscar’s teach us about staying active and keeping our tennis sharp!  Comment with a video of your own doing his tennis drills!


Watch Ms. Uma make a catapult out of highlighters, rubber bands, and a pencil!  Comment on the post and let us know what your catapult will be made out of!

Washing your Hands

Watch Ms. V give us a demonstration on why washing your hands with both soap and water is important! Comment below and let us know your favorite soap scent!

In Memoriam:

NYJTL lost a hero.  It is with great sadness that NYJTL announces the passing of Community Tennis Coach Hector Henry. He passed away on April 22 after a brief hospitalization. Coach Hector had been an NYJTL Site Director in Brooklyn for twenty plus years. Not only was he a tremendous motivator and tennis coach, he was truly a kind and gentle mentor and friend to all. Coach Hector will be truly missed and in our hearts forever. May he rest in peace.

The March Racket – Part 2

See how NYJTL has created the Active Learning initiative providing daily hands-on learning activities!

In addition, the Cary Leeds Center provides daily workouts and tips to make sure that you stay healthy and return to tennis stronger & sharper!


Brains On is an award-winning audio show for kids and families! Each week they try to find answers to fascinating questions about the world. Their mission is to encourage kids’ natural curiosity and wonder using science and history.  Click here to get listening!

Tuesday provides hour long activities for K-12 kids! is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and underrepresented youth. Their vision is that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science, just like any other science!


Every weekday at 12 and 3 pm, Little Kids Rock will post an online lesson on YouTube! Kids will have the chance to learn music in a new and fun way after they finish their online classes! Little Kids Rock also provide lessons for kids without instruments so everyone has the chance to learn music!


The New York Public Library doesn’t want story-time to stop! The NYPL is providing weekday virtual story-times by their expert children’s librarians as they read beloved books, sing songs, and share early literacy tips.  Click here to tune in!


USTA Eastern has provided a coloring book for kids when they need to take a break from their online lessons and let their creativity out! Click here to access the online coloring book!

In Memoriam

New York Junior Tennis and Learning extends its deepest sympathies to friends and family who have passed away due to complications of COVID-19.

Arlene Stringer-Cuevas
Arlene was the loving wife of long time NYJTL Board Member Carlos Cuevas. Arlene devoted her life to her family, public service and education, and was a staunch supporter of NYJTL programs, especially in the Bronx. She worked with Carlos to help establish the Bronx Open, now played at the Cary Leeds Tennis and Learning Center in Crotona Park. She will be deeply missed by the NYJTL family.

Juliette K. Eastman
Julie was the adoring mother of NYJTL Executive Committee Board Member Polly Scott.  Julie was 97 years old, and described as a lifetime learner and passionate advocate of tennis, playing the sport well into her eighties.  Born in Brooklyn, Julie’s inquisitive nature kept her eternally joyous and young-at-heart.  She will be dearly missed, and her family is preparing for a gathering to honor her legacy as soon as safely possible.

What We’re Reading:

NYJTL Stands in Solidarity

My potential is more than can be expressed within the bounds of my race or ethnic identity.   – Arthur Ashe

Still strongly inspired by the values of Arthur Ashe in our founding nearly fifty years ago, we stand in unwavering solidarity with our NYJTL family against the injustices facing the diverse communities that we serve.  There are too many lives lost.  Turning the tide on racial injustice is only possible if we join together and all our voices are heard at this critical moment, as we aim to create an equitable society with opportunity for every family and every child growing up in New York City. – NYJTL President & CEO, George Guimaraes

Honoring the historic importance of Juneteenth for the celebration of freedom for ALL Americans, and in recognition of our founder Arthur Ashe’s lifelong dedication to racial equality, today Juneteenth, will be a holiday for all NYJTL staff.

For nearly 50 years, racial equality, justice, and opportunity have been at the heart of NYJTL’s programs for youth throughout New York City. This is the time for all of us to come together, to reconfirm our values, and to reiterate that Black lives must matter to everyone.

The March Racket

Some programs might be suspended, but we are HERE for YOU!

NYJTL would like to proudly announce that 136 NYJTL heroes have voluntarily stepped up to staff the Department of Education’s crucial Regional Enrichment Centers (REC) during the coronavirus emergency.

REC programming began at 70 sites on Monday, March 23, and includes four NYJTL ACES locations: Hyde Leadership Middle and Elementary Schools, P.S. 42, and P.S. 12. Our NYJTL staff are voluntarily working in 35 REC locations.

These NYJTL heroes will:

  • Work with respective school principals and leadership to determine how to best support distance learning.
  • reate individualized school plans, including assisting in the implementation of both academic and social and emotional learning (SEL) based curriculum.
  • upport technological classroom set up: dogu, Google classroom, and take-home classwork packaging and distribution.
  • Distribute laptops and provide necessary supplies for children to effectively learn online.
  • Supervise attendance, program administration, and general operations.
  • Communicate with parents in languages other than English where needed.
  • Provide crisis management and hands-on intervention.
  • Assist kitchen staff with meal preparation and family pickup coordination.
  • Develop daily communication with school, parents, and participants.

We have also provided a library of digital resources and activities to keep families healthy and learning after regular school hours.  Check out a week’s worth of activities.

The Department of Education has provided additional materials to help keep students engaged beyond their online lessons. These resources are for students in all grades, from elementary to high school. Click here to check out these materials!

With so many kids home from school, GoNoodle: Good Energy at Home, is providing ways for families to move and learn together while staying active, focused, and calm! Click here to learn more!

Prodigy Math Games is delivering a unique learning experience for kids through an interactive math game where success depends on correctly answering skill-building math questions. Click here to play!

This comic book is an easy, and kid friendly way, to explain to your kids what the Coronavirus is and steps that they can take to keep themselves safe. Click here to read it!

After spending the day with their teachers learning online, your kids can spend the afternoon sketching Stitch from Disney’s Lilo & Stitch like a pro! Click here to watch the video!

Up Next:

  • Stay tuned for more resources as we follow health and safety precautions!

What We’re Reading:

Cary Leeds Center Temporary Closing

Dear Cary Leeds Center Families,


In view of Coronavirus health advisories from CDC and NY health officials, NYJTL will be closing the Cary Leeds Center at 8 pm tonight, Monday, March 16.  Your health and safety are our number one priority.

  • Our customer service center will remain open but staff will work remotely, so do not hesitate to call
  • We will make all efforts to reschedule missed programming as soon as we are able to reopen and will communicate with you as we learn more

We look forward to serving you in-person in the near future and until then please follow us on Facebook for tips on how to get the daily recommended amounts of exercise for your family at home during this time.

Yours sincerely,

George Guimaraes, NYJTL CEO and President
Liezel Huber, Cary Leeds Center Executive Director of Tennis

Health and Safety Updates

Dear Cary Leeds Center Families,

As you know, New York City health officials and the Center for Disease Control  are closely monitoring the rapid emergence of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and have advised strict measures to avoid spread of the disease.   We are rigorously following all of these measures for sanitation and disinfection of the Cary Leeds Center and will continue to provide private and semi-private lessons, as well as rental of court time, for the time being.

However,  all group programs, including our Intensive Training Program, our Tournament Team and our Community Tennis Program, and classes will be suspended for the next 30 days and transportation will not be available to the Center.  We will closely monitor the communication and advice from the CDC and NYC public health officials with further plans to follow.
We also request that all of our players and their families help us keep the Cary Leeds Center free of coronavirus by refraining from participation in our programs if any member of your family, or anyone with whom you have had contact has been diagnosed with coronavirus, is experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms or has been directed to self-quarantine for 14 days and until you have tested negative for it.

We have also directed all NYJTL and Cary Leeds staff to remain at home if they experience respiratory symptoms, aches, chills or sign of fever.  Anyone reporting sick to the Cary Leeds Center will be sent home immediately in accordance with these guidelines.
More specifically, as advised by the Center for Disease Control, we have asked all our employees and our guests to:

  • Stay at home if they are sick and contact their doctor with their symptoms
  • Wash their hands frequently with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds
  • Cover their mouth with tissues whenever they sneeze
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Regularly sanitize frequently touched surfaces
  • Do not greet others with a handshake

NYJTL and the Cary Leeds Center will continue to closely monitor developments in the further spread of the coronavirus, announcements from all public health authorities, and will respond accordingly.  The health and safety of all the participants in our programs is most important to us.

Thanks very much for your cooperation and support.

Liezel Huber, Executive Director of Tennis
George Guimaraes, President & CEO