Friends, Parents, and Family of NYJTL, your help is NEEDED!
For many years, NYJTL has been fortunate to receive funding from the New York City Council. This funding has helped us to become the largest and most successful scholastic tennis program in the country and allows us to provide free tennis programming in every community in the city.
To ensure that the Council realizes how important our programming is to their communities, and support of our FY 25 budget request of $1,000,000.
We would like you to follow these steps and HELP SAVE NYJTL FREE YOUTH PROGRAMMING IN YOUR COMMUNITY.
Thank you for your help and support!
Step 1
Click on the following link. Then input your address to find your Council Member’s email address:
Step 2
Send the council member the following email:
Subject: Please Support NYJTL’s Community Tennis Program
Dear Council Member:
Thank you for your support of New York Junior Tennis & Learning/NYJTL and its free Community Tennis Program which introduces children throughout the city to the joys and benefits of tennis. My child is part of the NYJTL family and is currently participating in its spring program. I have witnessed firsthand the benefits of this wonderful, free program and that is why I am asking you, as my Council Member, to fully support NYJTL’s FY 25 funding request of $1,000,000. Without your advocacy and the Council’s continued support, NYJTL may not be able to operate its free community tennis programs next year. This would be a terrible loss to my child and to our community.
On behalf of my child and all the children served by NYJTL, thank you!
Step 3
Include your full name and address at the end of your email message
Step 4
Please make sure to copy Scott Daly on your email –
If you have any questions please contact:
Scott Daly, Senior Director, Community Tennis Programs